

Grove Press
Grove Press
Grove Press

The Storm and Other Erotica

by Regine Deforges Translated from French by Rosette C. Lamont

“If you are looking for a book that will keep you up at night, you have found it. . . . My only regret was that it didn’t last longer.” –Elle

  • Imprint Grove Paperback
  • Page Count 112
  • Publication Date June 18, 1999
  • ISBN-13 978-0-8021-3632-9
  • Dimensions 5.5" x 8.25"
  • US List Price $12.00

About The Book

The Storm and Other Erotica introduces to American audiences a controversial work of charged eroticism in the great tradition of French literary erotica”from The Story of O to The Butcher. The Storm is a baroque, surreal novella that charts a beautiful young widow’s fevered attempts to hold on to her adored husband. As she becomes more convinced that her husband will soon reawaken to join her, her fantasies become more intense, until reality and fantasy meld into a long dream of hysterical passion.

This controversial and intense novella is joined here with selections from Deforges’s “Perverse Tales,” light erotic vignettes that play with taboo and stereotype with delightful results. In “Old Man Renaud’s Funeral,” an old curmudgeon’s funeral in the French countryside turns suddenly charged by the arrival of his seductive niece and her young lover. And “The Truckdriver” follows a lusty young driver of a big rig through an Italy full of women dreaming of wheels.

Tags Erotica


“The high priestess of eroticism.””Le Figaro

“If you are looking for a book that will keep you up at night, you have found it. . . . My only regret was that it didn’t last longer.””Elle

“R”gine Deforges’s erotica cannot help but seduce the reader.” “Livres-Hebdo