
Tag Archives: Penelope Lively

The Road to Lichfield

“The plot of The Road to Lichfield is exquisitely constructed, and the language shimmers. . . . A journey of self-discovery-the narrative urges the reader to contemplate the larger context in which people everywhere live out their individual dramas.” –Wendy Martin, San Francisco Chronicle…

Passing On

“Passing On feels like real life drawn to scale, where private dreams dwarf the daily routine. . . . An expert at articulating character…

Pack of Cards

“One of Britain’s most imaginative and important contemporary writers.” –Library Journal…

Moon Tiger

“Emotionally, Moon Tiger is kaleidoscopic, deeply satisfying. The all too brief encounter between Claudia and Tom will surely rate as one of the most…

Judgment Day

“Judgment Day is remarkable for several reasons. First and foremost, it’s a good book. It’s also short, sharp and, though it addresses important questions, thoroughly unpretentious . . . The beauty of Judgment Day is that it offers big themes through humble subject matter.” –Elizabeth Noyes, Boston Sunday Globe…

A House Unlocked

“In this elegiac yet resolutely unsentimental book, the house becomes a Rosetta stone for the author’s familial memories and an unwitting index of social…

City of the Mind

“Lively is a magical writer, and her sensuous prose tempers the metaphysical abstractions. . . . Her uncanny empathy and ability to evoke emotion make the reader feel more like a participant than like an observer.” –Newsday…