General Questions
How do I contact a specific department at Grove Atlantic?
To contact a specific department at Grove Atlantic by mail, use the following format below:
Grove Atlantic, Inc.
[Department Name] 154 West 14th Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10011To contact a specific department at Grove Atlantic by e-mail, use the following addresses below:
General Inquiries: info@groveatlantic.com
Sales Department: sales@groveatlantic.com
Publicity Department: publicity@groveatlantic.com
Rights Department: rights@groveatlantic.com
Permissions Department: permissions@groveatlantic.com -
Academic & Library Services
How do I request an examination or desk copy of a Grove Atlantic book?
Examination and desk copies are available to professors and teachers considering a title for course adoption. Please visit the Perseus Academic website to review our exam and desk copy policies and place an order.
Desk copy requests can also be faxed (800-351-5073) or mailed (Desk Copy Processing, Perseus Distribution, 210 American Drive, Jackson, TN 38301) to Perseus Books Group.
Please make your request on institutional letterhead and include the following information: title, author, ISBN, the name of the course, the semester/quarter in which the book will be taught, and the anticipated enrollment. To follow-up on a request, please call Perseus Books Group customer service at 800-343-4499.
Where can I request catalogs of Grove Atlantic titles appropriate for my curriculum?
All current and recent catalogs are available online as PDF downloads.
How do I request reproduction rights for a portion of a Grove Atlantic book for classroom use?
To request permission to photocopy material or place material on electronic reserve, please download our Coursepack Permissions Form (Word Document), fill it out, and e-mail it to permissions@groveatlantic.com.
Please allow 2-6 weeks for processing your request. Please note: Fees are 15 cents/page multiplied by the number of students enrolled; the minimum fee for coursepack use is $15.00. No more than one quarter (¼) of a book in print may be reproduced for use in classrooms and coursepacks. No plays available in a single volume or with one or two other plays can be reproduced for use in classrooms and coursepacks.
Authors & Books
Why can’t I find a particular title or author?
Our website only includes information about books and authors currently published by Grove Atlantic imprints.
How do I find author readings, signings, or speaking events?
You may view all public events on our Events page as well as each specific author’s page.
Where can I find an author’s website?
If an author has a website, the link will be available on the specific author’s page. To find an author’s page, please enter the author’s name in the search toolbar at the top of our website or click on an author’s name on any Grove Atlantic book page.
How can I find reading guide for Grove Atlantic titles?
Reading group guides are available on book pages where applicable.
How can I contact a Grove Atlantic author?
Some authors have email addresses, contact forms, or publicity addresses on their personal websites, which we may link to on the author’s detail page. You may also write to an author in care of our publicity department:
[Author Name] Publicity Department
Grove Atlantic, Inc.
154 West 14th Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10011 -
Manuscripts & Agents
I am a new agent – how do I contact Grove Atlantic editors?
We do not accept proposals or query letters by email. You may send a proposal or query letter by mail to the following address:
Grove Atlantic
ATTN: Editorial
154 West 14th Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10011How do I submit an art portfolio?
Portfolios may be dropped off or mailed to:
Grove Atlantic, Inc.
154 West 14th Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10011If you are dropping a portfolio off, you may pick it up 24 hours later. If you are mailing a sample or brochures of your work, please only send materials that are non-returnable. Note: Grove Atlantic, Inc. is not responsible for any materials submitted to us.
How do I submit a manuscript or abstract for publication?
Due to limited resources of time and staffing, Grove Atlantic, Inc. cannot accept manuscripts that do not come through a literary agent. In today’s publishing world, agents are more important than ever, helping writers shape their work and navigate the main publishing houses to find the most appropriate outlet for a project. There are several books that can be useful for finding an agent, including The Literary Market Place, The Writer’s Handbook, and The Writer’s Guide to Book Editors, Publishers, and Literary Agents.
How do I apply for image rights?
Cover Images: If you are interested in using a cover image for publicity and review purposes, please contact our Publicity Department: publicity@groveatlantic.com.
If you are interested in using a cover image for foreign, large print, or audio editions of our book, please contact our Rights Department: rights@groveatlantic.com.
Author Photos: If you are looking for author photos and biographies, please contact our Publicity Department: publicity@groveatlantic.com.
Internal Images: Generally we don’t control the rights to images inside our books and you should contact the credited photographer/illustrator listed inside the book directly.
How do I apply for dramatic performance/film rights?
For our plays: Grove Atlantic, Inc. does not control the performance rights to any of the plays it publishes. All inquiries concerning any performance of any play must be made in advance to the rights holder. No professional or nonprofessional performance of a play may be given without first obtaining written permission to perform from the rights holder and paying the requisite fee, whether or not the play is performed for charity or gain and regardless of whether admission is charged. Grove Atlantic, Inc. play scripts may not be used as acting scripts for the performance of a play. Rather, copies must be purchased from the licensing agent in a licensed acting edition.
In general, amateur and stock performance rights are controlled by the two main licensing agencies:
Samuel French, Inc.
45 W. 25th Street
New York, NY 10010
tel: (212) 206-8990Dramatists Play Service, Inc.
440 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016
tel: (212) 683-8960The copyright page of the Grove Press edition of the play contains information about whom to contact regarding performance rights.
For film/performance rights inquiries for our other books: please contact Grove Atlantic, Inc. by e-mail: rights@groveatlantic.com.How do I apply for foreign language/international sales reprint rights?
The rights director of Grove Atlantic is Amy Hundley. We work with subagents in certain translation territories and direct in others, as well as other English-speaking countries. If your region is not represented by one of these agencies, please contact Grove Atlantic, Inc. by e-mail: rights@groveatlantic.com.
How do I request reproduction rights for a portion of a Grove Atlantic book for classroom use?
To request permission to photocopy material or place material on electronic reserve, please download our Coursepack Permissions Form (Word Document), fill it out, and e-mail it to permissions@groveatlantic.com
Please allow 2-6 weeks for processing your request. Please note: Fees are 15 cents/page multiplied by the number of students enrolled; the minimum fee for coursepack use is $15.00. No more than one quarter (¼) of a book in print may be reproduced for use in classrooms and coursepacks. No plays available in a single volume or with one or two other plays can be reproduced for use in classrooms and coursepacks.
How I do I apply for reprint permission for content of a Grove Atlantic book?
To request permission to reprint Grove Atlantic, Inc. material in another book or publication, please download our Reprint Permissions Form (Word Document), fill it out, and e-mail it to permissions@groveatlantic.com.
Please allow 6-8 weeks from the date of your request for you to receive a response. Each request is evaluated on an individual basis and in most cases a fee will be charged. Please note: Our minimum fee for use of material reprinted is $50.00.