Are You Mine?
by Abby Frucht“A rich and seamless work . . . sensual, beautiful and funny.” –The New York Times Book Review
“A rich and seamless work . . . sensual, beautiful and funny.” –The New York Times Book Review
Her first two novels, Snap and Licorice, established Abby Frucht as one of our most exciting young novelists; Are You Mine? Is her richest and most provocative book yet.
Cara and Douglas, a young married couple living in the Midwest, are on a reproductive adventure, a journey through love, physical intimacy, childbirth, abortion, and birth control. “A body’s all you have to get through life in,” declares the impulsive, loving, Cara, finding herself pregnant for a third time. Not at all sure she wants another child, she’s already in love with this child, and Cara finds herself questioning abortion with a startling lack of bias social, political, or religious.
“A rich and seamless work . . . sensual, beautiful and funny.” –The New York Times Book Review
‘ms. Frucht performs one of the toughest, most important acts a writer of fiction can do, which is to take a politically charged issue like abortion and completely and utterly humanize it. . . . Abby Frucht writes with power, wit, sensuality and intelligence. Are You Mine? is a challenging, convincing, resonant work.” –Jay Gummerman, The New York Times Book Review
“Abby Frucht is a writer of considerable warmth and charm. . . . The abortion section, in particular, shows genuine insight into the psychology of a woman facing this painful choice. It’s refreshingly real and non-dogmatic, and one wishes extremists could be compelled to stop shouting (and killing) long enough to read it.” –Michael Harris, Los Angeles Times Book Review
“A bravura display of assured technique. . . . Meticulously observed physical details, concise but vividly rendered characterizations (including wonderful portraits of Douglas’ and Cara’s sons) and a smattering of oblique social commentary adds texture and depth to this tale of marital crisis and growth.
Are You Mine? is another impressive achievement by a gifted writer.” –Wendy Smith, The Plain Dealer
“The power of the prose is its humor and its energy, swelling up around characters who very quickly grow close to us.” –Publishers Weekly
“To read Abby Frucht is to feel like one of her characters: content, warm, kind of sexy. Are You Mine? is an enchanting novel.” –Laurie Muchnick, Los Angeles Reader’s Monthly Book Supplement