
Tag Archives: Short Stories (single author)

Pricksongs & Descants

by Robert Coover

“[Robert Coover is] a marvelous magician . . . a maker of miracles, a comic, a sexual tease. . . . The fictions in…

A Primitive Heart

by David Rabe

“As the characters play hide-and-seek with themselves, we’re forced to come out of hiding to shift our own positions and philosophy. Rabe has a way of implicating the reader–of creating a near-claustrophobic bond with his restless characters, writing so convincingly that the subtext becomes almost palpable, accruing darkly, like a…

Personal Velocity

by Rebecca Miller

‘rebecca Miller’s debut story collection is a series of eye-opening portraits of women who are either struggling to attain self-knowledge or who are hopelessly…

Pack of Cards

by Penelope Lively

“One of Britain’s most imaginative and important contemporary writers.” –Library Journal…

October, Eight O’Clock

by Norman Manea

“The reader becomes absorbed at once. The background is dreamlike but terribly familiar. . . . Manea’s prose treads the edge of the poetry…

My Life in Heavy Metal

by Steve Almond

“Almond’s eye for modern types is impeccably, almost academically, sharp, and yet these stories, slight as they sometimes are, never come across as schoolwork.”…

Moon Deluxe

by Frederick Barthelme

“Moon Deluxe is engaging, observant and at times downright whack-in-the-solar-plexus mean. It’s impossible to conceive of any writer doing what he does any better…

The Middleman and Other Stories

by Bharati Mukherjee

“Bharati Mukherjee, in this astonishing second book of short stories, zeroes in on uneasy terrain that no one has looked at with quite so…

The Magic of Blood

by Dagoberto Gilb

“In stories both harsh and lovely, hopeful and heartbreaking, of men on the fringes of America, Dagoberto Gilb reveals a powerful new literary voice.”…

Love Without

by Jerry Stahl

“Stahl has earned the blurbs he’s picked up along the way from James Ellroy, Hubert Selby Jr., and Jim Carroll, and has the right…