
Search Results for: American

Transit Authority

by Tony Sanders

…and what is so remarkable about these poems is that under the sign of doubt, art and truth become one. When, since Huck, has this been true about American palaver?…

Things Change

by David Mamet

This screenplay is a humorous burlesque of the American Dream tinged with bitter irony. It is the second film to be directed from his own original script by playwright David…


by Jerzy Kosinski

…has few equals among American novelists born to the language. And I have also become convinced, after reading Steps, that he is one of the most gifted new figures to…

The Spirit of Zen

by Alan Watts

“Alan Watts is the brain and Buddha of American Zen.” –The Nation…

Recollections of the Golden Triangle

by Alain Robbe-Grillet

“[Recollections of a Golden Triangle] could be read as the French New Novelist’s tribute to the vibrant Latin American fiction that his own early works helped to inspire. . ….


by Melanie Abrams

“Playing is an audacious erotic debut novel that chills, thrills, shocks and enthralls. Through the story of a young American woman’s love for a dark, handsome, older stranger, Melanie Abrams…


by Peter Godwin

“From time to time a book comes out of Africa that is so good it grips American readers by their hearts. This should be one of them.” –The Washington Post…

The Kentucky Cycle

by Robert Schenkkan

A sweeping epic of three families in eastern Kentucky that spans two hundred years of American history, awarded the Pulitzer Prize, now reissued for a new audience.

Just Cause

by John Katzenbach

“[A] riveting, provocative story . . . The criminal mind, racial bias, journalistic ego, and the flawed fabric of the American criminal justice system are potent raw materials for psychological…

How to Get a Monkey into Harvard

by Charles Monagan

In this hilarious spoof on college-admissions guidebooks, Charles Monagan injects warmhearted humor into that American rite of passage.