
Rights & Permissions

To inquire about Grove Atlantic usage rights or other permissions, please refer to the information and guidelines offered below.

  • Permissions

    Thank you for your interest in obtaining permission to use Grove Atlantic material.

    All published material by Grove Atlantic and its imprints are protected under copyright law. Written permission is required from Grove Atlantic if you wish to reproduce any of our material in any form.

    All requests directed to Grove Atlantic must be made in writing: by e-mail or post. It is not our policy to grant permissions verbally.

    Requests should be directed to:

    Permissions Department
    Grove Atlantic
    154 West 14th Street, 12th Floor
    New York, NY 10011
    Fax: 212.614.7886
    Email: permissions@groveatlantic.com

    These detailed notes are here to give you as much information as possible about clearing permissions with us and to try to help your application be dealt with efficiently.

    Please note that books and plays published by Grove Atlantic are fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and all British Commonwealth countries, as well as all other countries that are members of the International Copyright Union, the Pan-American Copyright Convention, and the Universal Copyright Convention.

    All requests must be made in writing. Please see sections on Reprint Permissions and Coursepack/Photocopying Permissions for downloadable forms.

    It is imperative that you begin the permissions process as early as possible in the editorial process as it can take up to eight weeks to receive a response, or longer in the case of larger requests or where we have to consult with Estates and authors.

    Our permissions grants are non-exclusive and material must be reproduced verbatim, without alteration, deletion, editing, abridgement or condensation. You must maintain original line breaks for poetry.

    Please be aware that 'Fair Use' is based on how the text is used, and not the number of words or lines. Even if you have an academic market or not-for-profit project, you are still responsible for clearing permissions to copyrighted material. If you have any question as to whether or not the material qualifies as fair use, you must contact us in advance. We will take the nature of your project into consideration when determining any fees.

    Each request is evaluated on an individual basis and in most cases a fee will be charged. Our minimum fee for use of a limited amount of material reprinted is $50.00. Please note this fee is charged on behalf of the copyright holders and writers who have produced the original work you wish to use.

    Please make your request as specific as possible. We cannot grant blanket permissions covering multiple uses, languages and formats on the basis of possible future uses for the material.

    We draw up our own licenses and cannot use yours.

    In the event that permission was not obtained prior to usage or publication, the permissions fee will be one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the normal assessed rate.

  • Reprint Permissions

    To request permission to reprint Grove Atlantic material in another book or publication, please download our Reprint Permissions Form, fill it out, and e-mail it to permissions@groveatlantic.com.

    Please allow 6-8 weeks from the date of your request for you to receive a response. Each request is evaluated on an individual basis and in most cases a fee will be charged.

    Please note:
    Our minimum fee for use of material reprinted is $50.00.
    Please see Permissions Guidelines for more information on fair use and general guidelines.

  • Academic Coursepack / Photocopying Permissions

    To request permission to photocopy material or place material on electronic reserve, please download our Coursepack Permissions Form, fill it out, and e-mail it to permissions@groveatlantic.com.

    Please allow 2-6 weeks for processing your request.

    Please note:
    Fees are 15 cents/page multiplied by the number of students enrolled; the minimum fee for coursepack use is $15.00.
    No more than one quarter (¼) of a book in print may be reproduced for use in classrooms and coursepacks.
    No plays available in a single volume or with one or two other plays can be reproduced for use in classrooms and coursepacks.

  • Prop Permissions

    To use a Grove Atlantic book as a prop, please download our Prop Permissions Form, fill it out, and e-mail it to permissions@groveatlantic.com.

    We will send you our own Product Release Agreement once we have all relevant information.

  • Special Needs Permissions

    To request alternate format materials of a Grove Atlantic title produced solely for students with disabilities by approved not-for-profit organizations, please contact our production department: production@groveatlantic.com.