Tag Archives: Hunting

Sports Afield’s Deer Hunter’s Almanac
by Sid Evans“No other deer hunting book like it. The Deer Hunter’s Almanac is the ultimate guide to hunting deer across North America. I read it…

It’s Only Slow Food Until You Try to Eat It
by Bill Heavey“Mr. Heavey takes us back to the joys—and occasional pitfalls—of the humble edibles around us, and his conclusions ring true.” —Wall Street Journal

If You Didn’t Bring Jerky, What Did I Just Eat?
by Bill Heavey“[Heavey’s] writing is funny, poignant, acerbic and, best of all, always alert to the absurdities of life. This is a book that will be…

For a Handful of Feathers
by Guy de la Valdéne“Beautifully conceived and written, valuable for its insight into quail behavior and its thoughtful address of hunting ethics, a new classic for the sportsman’s…

The Everlasting Stream
by Walt Harrington“A familiar American story, beautifully told in a fresh light. We need to hear this story again and again, until, like Harrington, we realize…