
Booksellers & Librarians

Grove Atlantic is proud to offer robust sales and marketing support to Booksellers and Librarians across the globe. For decades, we’ve been publishing a rich and diverse catalog of thoughtful, boundary-pushing literature that has often helped expand and define the American cultural landscape. We encourage all Booksellers and Librarians to browse the full Grove Atlantic catalog, and to get in touch to let us know ways in which we might better help you serve your community.

5 books
40 80 120 Per Page

July 2021

Crooked Hallelujah

by Kelli Jo Ford

February 2020

The Bird King

by G. Willow Wilson

August 2019

Virgil Wander

by Leif Enger

March 2015

By its Cover

by Donna Leon

January 2015

A Circle of Wives

by Alice LaPlante